Compound Interest – How does it work?

Compound interest is a financial concept that allows investments to grow exponentially over time. Essentially, it means that the interest earned on an investment is reinvested back into the principal balance, allowing for the investment to grow at an accelerating rate. Here are some examples of how compound interest works and how a financial planner can assist you in calculating it.

Example 1: Savings Account

Let’s say you have a savings account with a balance of $10,000, and the account earns 1% interest annually, compounded monthly. After one year, the interest earned on the account would be $101.02, bringing the balance up to $10,101.02. However, because the interest is compounded monthly, the actual interest earned each month is slightly less than 1%, as the balance is increasing throughout the year. A financial planner can help you calculate the exact amount of interest earned over time, taking into account the frequency of compounding and any fees or other factors that may impact the growth of the account.

Example 2: Retirement Account

A retirement account, such as a 401(k) or IRA, can also benefit from the power of compound interest. Let’s say you start contributing $100 per month to a retirement account at age 25, and the account earns an average annual return of 8% over the next 40 years. By age 65, the balance of the account would be over $320,000, with the majority of that growth coming from the power of compound interest. A financial planner can help you set up a retirement account and calculate the potential growth over time, based on your individual investment strategy and risk tolerance.

Example 3: Investment Portfolio

A diverse investment portfolio can also benefit from compound interest. Let’s say you have a portfolio that includes stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, with an average annual return of 10%. Over the course of 30 years, the growth of the portfolio could be substantial, with the majority of the growth coming from the power of compound interest. A financial planner can help you select the right mix of investments for your portfolio and calculate the potential growth over time, based on your individual financial goals and risk tolerance.

In conclusion, compound interest is a powerful financial concept that can help your investments grow over time. A financial planner can help you understand how compound interest works and how to calculate the potential growth of your investments. By taking advantage of the power of compound interest, you can build wealth and achieve your financial goals over time.