90 degrees South is affiliated to one of the largest banks in South Africa that positions passion and collaboration at the forefront of our client relationships. We like to believe that the journey to financial success is similar to the first ever journey taken to the south pole, where a steady pace, discipline and sound planning lead to a timely success. Putting that recipe to good use has ensured we produce the best results for our clients and team alike. We call ourselves a 20-mile business because we put the work in, without shortcuts. Read more

Why you will love us

Our team of Senior Financial Planners comply with the rules and regulations set by the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services (FAIS). 
To create your plan, our Financial Planners will gather information about your finances, goals, and limitations. They will then analyze this information to come up with strategies that will work best for you. These strategies will cover various areas such as managing your finances, investments, risks, planning for retirement, and planning for your estate. We offer many different solutions to help you achieve your financial goals.

Johann van der Merwe

Chief Executive Officer

I am an Executive Wealth Planner focused on legacy wealth creation and preservation through financial needs analysis. I have over 25 years expertise in Wealth and Investment, Private Banking and Business Banking. My greatest aim is to ensure that your income is preserved in the events of death of disability.

Karien Dutton

Chief Operations Officer

Karien has extensive managerial experience and is responsible for providing operational support to the affiliate and the Financial Planners in their journey towards success. 

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